ABouT Me

"Mistreated, Misplaced, Misunderstood Miss 'no way'...
Mistaken Always second guessing, Underestimated...
I wish they would realize that...

I'm like a book... you have to read every page to know what I'm about... 
so don't judge me by the cover...

cliche ba masyado...
ok then, just a glimpse of me...

- A true homebody... I love lounging at home, cuddling my loved ones and just watching time pass by.

- Shopping is my worst indulgence... it's what I do when I'm stressed and depressed... also a tall glass of coke with tons of ice.

- A fetish for shoes and bags... there's no such thing as having too many.

- Hopeless romantic... although lately I've been quite numb, a part of me is still longing for romance.

- Simple and mababaw... would prefer a cheap date with a sensible conversation over fancy dinner.

- Obsessive compulsive... checks the door lock a couple of times, carpets and rugs should be at the perfect angle, clothes in the closet should be folded in the same manner, nail polish should be free from smudge and bubbles or else repeat it!

- A worrywart... always trying to fight it... "If you worry about something that doesn't happen, you worried in vain, if it does happen, you worried twice"

-Persevering... if my mind's set on something, I won't stop until I achieve it.

- Perfectionist... was raised that way... never good enough... that's me!

- Never really liked the way i looked... maybe was brainwashed while growin up... mom would always reiterate the beauty of "mestizas"... got sunkissed skin... you get the point.

- Hates stupid drivers... the road is a war zone.

- I despise insecure people... insecurity reigns in an ugly heart of an empty brain... on the other hand, conceited people sucks too.

- For some reason, I seem to be the object of most women's envy and insecurity. Should I take it as a complement or a curse?

 - I'm afraid of cockroaches and heights... nearly had a heart attack when i got on Ocean Park's cable car... longest 30 minutes of my life.

- I've always wanted to become a doctor, an endocrinologist, psychologist or pathologist to be exact, but the MD (marriage degree) derailed me.

- Didn't have a happy childhood... parents always too busy... was raised by my pessimistic, overprotective grandma and aunt... totally negative environment... guess that explains the anxiety and BPD. 

- I've always longed for my parents' love, acceptance and encouragement. don't get me wrong, i appreciate all that they've done but there's still an empty space... someoone should have told them about the holistic approach.

- Made a vow to be the best mom that I can be... to make up for the motherly love that I never seemed to have.

- I consider myself strong but my worst fear is being left alone and my weakness is trying to please everybody.

- If I had one wish, it would be to turn back the hands of time.

CURRENT STATUS - striving (very hard) to leave the past behind, move on, and simpy... BE HAPPY!